In-Depth Interview

This is a survey technique implemented for the purpose of gaining insights into the attitude, tendency, behaviour, and habits of the target group by using small sample groups and collecting detailed data. In-depth survey results do not have any statistical value, therefore they cannot be used to draw up conclusions about the general survey group. In fact, in-depth interviews are very similar to group discussions. The difference between an in-depth interview is having only a few persons interviewed at a time. In-depth interviews are used in the initial stage of a survey for the purpose of understanding the concepts better. It contributes to filling out a questionnaire in an excellent manner. The biggest difference of quantitative researches is the ability they provide towards the analyses of cause and outcome relationship by questioning the ideas, emotions and behavior patterns and repetitive behaviors patterns in an indirect way as it is not possible to understand them through direct questions.

Our professional team is ready to conduct all kinds of interviews and analyses required for in-depth surveys.

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