“Brand Image and Perception Surveys” are research techniques implemented for the purpose of understanding and defining “face” of an organization visible to other individuals and groups that affects and concerns the business success of organizations and enterprises.

Brand image and perception surveys;

  • Determine how corporate image and brand image are perceived by others,
  • Identify corporate image and brand image created in the eye of target groups,
  • Give ideas about the weaknesses and strengths of brands,
  • Help to determine the ways of increasing product and service quality,
  • Help to determine the right branding strategy,
  • Help to determine advertising and marketing strategies,
  • Serve as a told to determine all needs, desires, and expectations that were met or unmet.
  • Indicate the brand loyalty level.

Çözüm Research and its professional staff are ready to generate services towards making strategic decisions and compiling the data necessary to increase the value of your brand.

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